But we have good news: You can make this process a lot easier for yourself by setting up a holiday shopping list on your Bullet Journal!
It's super easy and will help keep all of your gift ideas organised so that by the time December rolls around, all you have left to do is shop! We've got the details below:
1. Create sections for each person you need to buy for. This will help you keep track of who gets what.

2. Add any gift ideas for those people in another column. Write down what they like, what they don't like, etc.—so that when it comes time to shop for them, you'll know exactly what would make them happy (and not waste money on something they won't use).

3. It's important to set limits on what you spend on gifts. To do this, add a column for budget to your shopping list. Then as you add items, give them a price tag that reflects their cost.

4. And lastly, remember to have fun with it! Add in some stickers or other decorations. Maybe you want to list out where you're going to buy each item from, or maybe you want to include a picture of what the person will receive.

We hope that by now, you've got a solid grasp on how to use this list and how to keep up with it throughout the festive season.
Remember: there are no rules when it comes to shopping lists! You can doodle, draw, or write in any style you like. The important thing is that you have a way to keep track of all the gifts on your list in one place.
So go ahead and get creative—and stay organised!
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