A Day Of Rest:

Self Care Ideas:

Here are a few bullet journal spread ideas to help you get your mindfulness back and keep it that way.
Mood Trackers
This is one of the most popular spreads for tracking self-care. It can be tough to get a handle on how we're feeling at any given moment—but it's important to know what makes us feel good or bad so we can make more informed decisions about how we spend our time and energy. A mood tracker will help you identify patterns in your happiness levels throughout the year so that you can make positive changes in your daily habits.
Habit Trackers
This tracker is designed to help you be more mindful about how you spend your time and what habits you're engaging in. They're a visual way of organising how often you do or don't do something. They help with behaviour change by making it clear whether you're on the right track or not, and whether it's time to give yourself a pat on the back or some extra support.
Brain Dump Spread
Sometimes you just need to get it all out! It’s a big ol' open space for dumping all of your thoughts onto the page without judgement or restriction. The idea here is just to get it all down on paper so you can see it from a new perspective.
Self Care Bingo
These can be simple things like reading or taking a bath or more complex ones like having an in-depth conversation with a loved one. Then make yourself an optional goal of trying to do as many activities as possible over the course of a week. At the end of the week, you'll see just how many opportunities you've had to take care of yourself.
Quotes Page
You don't have to make this an entire spread—just jot down a few quotes that speak to your soul. Create a page that's dedicated to inspirational quotes about self-care and goal-setting. Maybe even write down an affirmation or two to help you stay on track with your goals.

Gratitude Log
One of the best things about bullet journaling is that it encourages you to slow down and take time for yourself—and what better way to do that than by making a gratitude list? This is a great way to reflect on all the things that make life worth living, especially when life gets stressful or overwhelming. You'll be surprised at how much more energized and positive you feel after taking some time out of your day to give thanks for what makes you happy!
A successful bullet journal is all about finding the method that works best for you. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to stick with the same layout from month to month, but it does mean committing to a journal system that you enjoy using.
Take some time to try out new spreads and methods, and maybe even make some changes based on these blog post ideas. The more you practice, the better your systems will become, and the more mindful you'll be about working on what matters most to you.
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